Specialists in Sunrise Wires, Japanese stamens and more!

The Old Bakery

Taunton, TA2 8HW

+44 (0) 1823 451 205

Mon-Fri 0900-1600hrs.

Visit Us

By appointment only.

+44 (0) 1823 451 205

Mon-Fri 0900-1600hrs.

Visit Us

By appointment only.


The Old Bakery is the sole importer of Sunrise craft wires. These wires are of the very highest quality and are ideal for use in making sugar flowers and leaves.

In cake decorating , florist wires are widely used to create sugar flowers. Working with   and modelling paste and a selection of tools, the possibilities for creating beautiful wired flowers are endless.

When deciding on the type of wire you will need for your flower make sure that you understand different sizes that we offer.

If you need strong supporting wire that will hold weight then you will need to go for a 18-20 gauge wire. However, if you need a wire that will cope with very fine, flexible work then you will need 28-32 gauge.For general sugar flower making something in the middle (24 gauge) would be perfect.

The wire is very tightly wrapped with paper, with a choice of colours available.

PLEASE REMEMBER: The higher the gauge, the thinner the wire.